
So I've been thinking a bit about language that we use and what it says about our theology. The main phrase that has caught my attention in the last few weeks is the notion of 'entering the presence of God' or being 'in God's presence.' I guess I know what I mean when I've used that language before, but I've been wondering if it is actually helpful? Or does it subconsciously have us heading in a Deist sort of way, where God has set the world into motion and then let it do its thing while he watches from a distance? "Entering the presence of God" would seem to imply that we are coming from out of it, and therefore perhaps that God is not involved in every aspect of our lives, or perhaps only a little...but not as much as the parts when we "enter his presence." Is it this sort of language that keeps us from talking to God or interacting with him outside of Sunday services? Does this sort of language promote religiosity rather than true discipleship? Is there a better way of saying what it is we really mean, and therefore not confusing those who encounter this language in the formative stages of their understanding of God? I don't know...maybe...maybe not...just a thought...


Christina said...

Hey just stumbled across your blog, I think this is a good line of thought - because I've been thinking it too. Probably a year or two ago I made a conscious decision never to pray 'as we come into your presence' etc.. at the beginning of meetings or prayer times. I find "God please make us more aware of your presence with us as we meet' is more appropriate in reflecting what I am trying to say and honoring God's continual presence with us.


Andy Dickson said...

Hey Christina, thanks for the comment. I think you are right about the 'make us aware of your presence' thing...I might use that from now on. That ecclesiology class last year really got me thinking about why we do what we do at church.

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