
I've been thinking that it was about time to start blogging...so here it is...my random thoughts on an internet page for all to see. I was thinking, though, that it is ironic that thinking 'out loud' can be done so quietly these days...people used to have to talk when they were thinking out loud, but now we just have to type...and then our thoughts can be heard by so many...you in fact if you are reading this blog...I just hope that thinking out loud in this format leads to more real life communication, and not less...I don't want to stop being a real person with a real voice just to have my say in cyberspace...so feel free to read and comment, and be encouraged to go find someone to share your thoughts with, where the sound will be your voice and not just the tap tap tappings of a keyboard. So I'm off to do just that...happy thinking


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©2009 Thinking Out Loud | by TNB